How to create an empty virtual environment¶
If you need to install a really old version of some package, or make modifications to a package, you can create a completely empty virtual environment in the container. This virtual environment will be isolated from the pre-installed packages and you will need to install everything yourself.
First, get an interactive session on a GPU node.
srun --time=01:00:00 --nodes=1 --cpus-per-task=4 --partition=gpu --gres=gpu:1 --pty /usr/bin/bash
Load the version of the ml-gpu module you want to use. For example:
module load ml-gpu/20230427
Next, create a directory to install the packages to. This should be within your group's /work directory, and specific to the version of the ml-gpu container that you're using.
ml-gpu python -m venv /work/LAS/your-lab/emptymlgpuvenv-20230427
The difference between this command and the one given in previous sections is the removal of the --system-site-packages flag, which isolates the environment.
Now install any packages you need with pip.
ml-gpu /work/LAS/your-lab/emptymlgpuvenv-20230427/bin/pip3 install somepackage
To confirm the packages are installed:
ml-gpu /work/LAS/your-lab/emptymlgpuvenv-20230427/bin/pip3 freeze | grep somepackage
Your package is now installed.
To use this virtual environment in your batch scripts, load the ml-gpu module, then invoke python like this:
ml-gpu /work/LAS/your-lab/emptymlgpuvenv-20230427/bin/python
Be sure to replace the path with the actual location you installed the packages.