Windows Computational Server: LASWIN01

How to Logon with Remote Desktop Protocol from Windows and OS X.

The primary use of Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is to facilitate an easy and secure connection between two computers over a network. This feature is included in most of the editions of Windows. Download for Mac.

VPN connection is a pre-requisite for off campus connection.

You can find the Windows and Mac installers for VPN here:

For help accessing the VPN, please review this tutorial: 

For Windows
The following information will guide you to connect and login to a remote machine using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) also known as Terminal Server Connection.

Step 1: Press "Win+R" and type "mstsc" and hit "OK"

Screenshot of opening mstsc


Step 2: Fill the host name (my host name is and hit connect.

connecting through RDP


Step 3: To log out
To log out click in your account and select "sign out". If you don't want to kill your job and still be logon in the server then just press "x".  

Signout process


How to Use Process Monitor

To Use Task manager

Method 1:
You can login to task manager through Run Command.
 1) Press "Win+R"
  2) Type "tskmgr" 
 3) Click OK.

Method 2:
When you are already in Remote Desktop, right-click the taskbar and choose "Task Manager" option.  


Understand the Processing

Click on Performance and you will get the CPU Usage graph. To understand how the cores in the processor are being utilized and to get better picture of how your application is performing, break the graph up into logical processors.

Right-click on the graph, hover over "change graph to" and select "Logical processors"

How to change graph to logical process


Now, you’ll see a graph for each of your logical processors. You may see more or less depending on the number of logical cores in the machine.

Expanding cores in process monitor

Even though, I have more cores, my program is running in only one core, because of the way the program is written. The core utilized by my program is shown in red box. 

How to Kill a Job

On the top menu bar click on "Details". To kill a job. right-click the job you want to end and select "End Task". 

Ending a task through process monitor

How to see who else is logged on

Click on "Users" on the top menu bar and it shows the information about other users sharing the machine.