
Uncategorized resources

  • Biology Information Technology (BIT)

    Biology Information Technology (BIT)

    Biology IT is a collaborative effort of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. We work with faculty, staff and graduate students in the biological sciences to ensure that their computing experience is fast, stable and secure. We provide system support, backup, software licensing, research IT consulting and access to high-performance computers.

  • Code School - Try R

    Code School - Try R

    R is a tool for statistics and data modeling. The R programming language is elegant, versatile, and has a highly expressive syntax designed around working with data. R is more than that, though — it also includes extremely powerful graphics capabilities. If you want to easily manipulate your data and present it in compelling ways, R is the tool for you.

  • Data Carpentry

    Data Carpentry

    Data Carpentry is non-profit organization that develops and provides data skills training to researchers.

  • Explain Git with D3

    Explain Git with D3

    This website is designed to help you understand some basic git concepts visually. This is my first attempt at using both SVG and D3. I hope it is helpful to you. Adding/staging your files for commit will not be covered by this site. In all sandbox playgrounds on this site, just pretend that you always have files staged and ready to commit at all times. If you need a refresher on how to add or stage files for commit, please read Git Basics.

  • Home | High Performance Computing

    Home | High Performance Computing

    The High Performance Computing facility in Durham Center provides access to petascale systems that support large-scale computing needs for scientific and instructional endeavors at Iowa State University. View a list of systems and equipment.

  • Meteor


    Meteor is a complete platform for building web and mobile apps in pure JavaScript.

  • Open Science Framework (OSF)

    Open Science Framework (OSF)

    The OSF is a free and open source service to collaborate and stay organized while still using your favorite external services. OSF helps in cloud based management of projects. OSF is a helpful tool for students to understand and apply sound data management principles to their work. And there is easy access to all of the files the students are working with, it greatly enhances to provide constructive guidance. OSF provides services such as centralization, organization and anywhere-access to saving time and energy necessary for managing these projects.

  • ORCID | University Library

    ORCID | University Library

    ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized.

  • ResearchIT on GitHub

    ResearchIT on GitHub

    You can find thing like tutorials, examples, and some of the code we use to manage our software and servers on our GitHub repo.

  • Software Carpentry

    Software Carpentry

    Software Carpentry is a volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to teaching basic computing skills to researchers.

  • Spack - Package management tool

    Spack - Package management tool

    Spack is a package management tool designed to support multiple versions and configurations of software on a wide variety of platforms and environments. It was designed for large supercomputing centers, where many users and application teams share common installations of software on clusters with exotic architectures, using libraries that do not have a standard ABI. Spack is non-destructive: installing a new version does not break existing installations, so many configurations can coexist on the same system.

  • Using Omics Pipe — Omics Pipe v1.1.3 Documentation

    Using Omics Pipe — Omics Pipe v1.1.3 Documentation

    Omics Pipe is a Python framework for automating ‘best practice’ next generation sequencing pipelines. Omics Pipe can be run from the command-line by providing it with a YAML parameter file specifying your directory structure and software specific parameters. This executes a parallel automated pipeline on a Distributed Resource Management system (local cluster or Amazon Web Services (AWS)) that efficiently handles job resource allocation, monitoring and restarting. The goals of Omics Pipe are to provide researchers with an open-source computational solution to implement ‘best practice’ pipelines with minimal development overhead and providing visual outputs to aid the researcher.