Manage Access

PIs can manage access to their LSS share through the ResearchIT Self Service portal.

This function is currently only available for shares with names that end in -lab.

How to Access

This site is only accessible from an on-campus internet connection or through the VPN.


The access management page looks like this:

Large Scale Storage manage access

Add a user

Enter the net ID of the user you want to add and click 'Find User'. A confirmation page will be shown. Click 'Yes, I really want to add this user to my lab list'.

Pronto users please note that adding a someone to your LSS list will also grant them access to your Pronto /work directory.

Remove a user

Check the box next to the user's name, and click 'Remove selected members'.

Audit log

This lists any changes made to the list through the website after February 1, 2022. If you requested a change via email it may not be reflected here.